Frequently Asked Questions
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How is the hair transplant done?
At our Clinic and at other hair transplant centers licensed by the Ministry of Health, the following procedural steps are followed under the supervision of a doctor:
Before surgery, all hair on the patient's head is trimmed.
Local anesthesia is administered to numb the donor and recipient sites. Although the patient will be awake during the surgery, he will be relaxed and feel almost no pain.
The hair follicles at the donor site are harvested and stored in a special solution. The number of hair follicles to be extracted is proportional to the number of implants to be implanted. Hair follicles are collected by a punch biopsy. The pen-like punch tool used here is attached to a highly sensitive motor. The device on the tip of the punch tool can be adapted to the structure of the donor site. Thicker tip devices may be used in some areas, while thinner devices may be used in other regions.
The patient's frontal hairline is designed. The right design of this hairline is very important in terms of the natural look you get after a hair transplant. Face shape, age and gender are the most important factors in determining the front hairline. To a In order to mimic a natural-looking hairline, several factors must be taken into account, such as the angle of the curvature of the hair, exit angles and direction of the hair, patient expectations and future hair loss. Designing a good hairline with the right balance is vital and requires a great experience. A well-planned hairline can yield great results and natural looking hair. If you get a hairline that is too symmetrical or too round, your hair will inevitably look unnatural.
The receiving sites are prepared by opening slits on the scalp by observing exit angles and the direction of hair growth. The follicles are then inserted into these slits. An experienced team will pay attention to the following points for a successful hair transplant. Using too many or too few grafts should be avoided to achieve the most natural look. The hair follicles should be distributed asymmetrically so as not to create a linear hair strip. If the donor site cannot provide enough grafts, the appropriate material should be used sensibly with more grafts allocated to the frontal hairline and crown as these regions attract more attention.
After the procedure is completed, special bandages are used to cover the donor site to prevent infection and we give you clear instructions for aftercare.
Does a hair transplant look natural?
A good hair transplant is completely invisible and looks completely natural if the right technique is used correctly by a skilled team.
The number of people getting a hair transplant is much higher than you might think, so you actually see a lot of people who have had a hair transplant in your daily life, but you can't tell if they've had the procedure. In fact, this example is the best answer to the question:
"Does hair transplantation look natural?"
Within 2 months of hair transplantation, you will begin to see the first results when your hair starts to grow back. This hair is not a wig or someone else's hair. It is your natural hair transplant from your donor area, so there is no reason why it should look unnatural - as long as the procedure is performed by a skilled hair transplant team using the latest technology.
The color, texture and growth rate of the transplanted hair have the same characteristics as your natural hair.
• When you cut your nail, the nail that grows back is your own and looks natural.
• When the scabs are gone after a cut or burn, the skin that regenerates under the scabs is still your own skin and looks natural.
• Likewise, the hair that is transplanted is your own hair and it grows longer, thicker and looks natural.
The FUE technique used in hair transplantation in recent years has proven to be very successful. It achieves the most natural look and leaves no visible scar unlike FUT technique.
In this regard, FUE technique is considered a revolution in the field of hair transplantation.
So why do some hair transplants seem unnatural?
Let's say you travel to a city you don't know well and plan to eat out at a restaurant. You will find two restaurants, one full of customers and the other without customers.
Which would you choose?
The answer is obvious to most of us: we choose the overcrowded.
By doing this, we believe we will minimize potential risks. The fact that the place is overcrowded acts as a recommendation for us. Of course, if the place is full, we assume that many people are happy with the service and the staff is probably great.
Likewise, when choosing a doctor, we follow the advice of those around us. This applies to almost every major decision in our lives, from the choice of furniture to cell phone or car; we value advice from people we trust.
The trust of an expert in your hair transplant is vital to minimize the risks. Hair transplants performed by inexperienced people without expertise in such procedures can cause several problems that are even more serious than unnatural looking hair.
Therefore, we strongly advise you to stay away from unlicensed centers and illegal centers where hair transplants are performed by inexperienced people.
There are four main reasons why a hair transplant may look unnatural:
1- Transplantation of hair follicles in such a way that they do not correspond to the exit angle or direction of the native hair.
No single hair pattern, run-out angle or no hair direction applies to all patients and what is natural to one patient may turn out to be the opposite of another. The frontal hairline should be designed to match the shape of the face. The doctor should first analyze the exit angles and hair direction, then transplant the follicles to match such patterns to get the most natural look.
2- Using donor hair other than the hair in the back of the head
Using areas (such as the chest, leg, etc.) outside the donor site at the back of your head to harvest eye grafts can adversely affect the natural appearance of your hair.
3- Implanting more or fewer grafts than necessary.
The doctor must first determine the number of hair strands per cm2 at your donor site and then transplant an equal number of hair strands per cm2 to the recipient. Each hair follicle contains a different number of hair strands. These are randomly distributed. Some follicles have only one strand of hair and some two, while other follicles may contain 3 or in rare cases 4 strands of hair.
Therefore, we follow the same pattern in transplanting the hair to the recipient area by randomly distributing the single and multi-strand hair follicles in the same way. When designing the frontal hairline, it is important to transplant the grafts with a single strand of hair, as the natural frontal hairline usually consists of follicles with a single strand.
4- Failure to follow the doctor's advice after the procedure
Strict adherence to medical advice after any surgical procedure is vital to ensure faster recovery and desired results. If you don't follow your doctor's advice after the procedure, you risk the chances of success.
Apart from this, factors such as wrong hair density in the recipient area, inexperienced hair transplant team, transplantation of high number of grafts (4000-5000) in a single session will make your hair look unnatural.
What is the difference between FUT and FUE?
Which method is right for your hair type?
While the results of a hair transplant depend to some extent on your hair structure, any hair type can benefit from hair transplant, so you can use any technique regardless of the hair type you have.
However, the FUE technique is superior as it is much less invasive and can achieve more natural hair restoration.
One of the most important factors that will help you get the best results from the procedure is the hair density and quality in your donor area where grafts are harvested.
People usually think that factors such as the thickness of hair strands, hair type and the shape of hair are the same as hair density because they can give an illusion of density to your hair.
We strongly recommend that you perform a detailed hair analysis before surgery so that you can set realistic expectations.
What is FUT (Follicular Unit Transplantation) method?
The FUT technique is more invasive and complicated than the FUE. FUT, also known as strip harvesting, is simply based on the principle of cutting out a strip of tissue containing hair follicles from the back of the head.
To extract the hair follicles, a thick donor strip about 1 to 1.5 cm wide and 10 to 20-25 cm long is removed from the scalp with a scalpel that penetrates the dermis.
After the donor strip has been extracted and placed under the microscope, the hair follicular units are separated with a scalpel.
After this stage, the hair follicles are transplanted to the recipient area.
FUT is usually preferred in cases of advanced hair loss. While the donor strip is cut away and the wound at the donor site is closed with sutures and sutures, this is considered a major surgical procedure.
An advantage of the FUT method is that the layer of fat that holds the hair follicles removed from the strip is larger. The fat layer around the hair follicle has been reported to increase follicle survival as it keeps the follicle hydrated for longer.
However, the latest technological devices and advanced techniques have enabled the FUE method to use the same advantage.
What is FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) method?
The hair follicles in the scalp of humans differ from those in other parts of the body in that they have a different skin composition.
In other parts of the body, each follicle produces only one strand of hair, but because of this property, the hair follicles in the scalp can produce up to 4 strands of hair.
These groups of multi-strand hair follicles show a random distribution over the scalp.
However, the frontal hairline usually contains follicles with a single strand of hair, which is an important point to consider in order to natural appearance after the hair transplant.
The FUE technique selects and harvests the most efficient of these follicles and transplants them to the recipient area without the need to tissue strip from the scalp.
What are the differences between FUT and FUE techniques?
Recovery times:
It takes at least two weeks for the wound to heal after the FUT procedure.
After the FUE procedure, the wounds (less than 1 mm) will heal within 2-3 days. Short recovery time allows people to get back to work as soon as possible.
The traditional FUT method leaves a permanent linear scar on the back of the head. You may have to use longer haircuts to hide the scar.
The modern FUE method only leaves tiny scars that are too small to be noticed, even if you have short hair.
Quality of the grafts:
FUE method allows the doctor to discard low-quality donor follicles which are unsuitable for transplantation, while in FUT method, the excised strip of hair is transplanted as one piece, so it can include low-quality grafts.
Suitable candidates:
The FUE technique can be used for a wider audience because people who can benefit from the FUT method are limited only to those with good scalp flexibility and experiencing advanced hair loss.
FUE hair transplantation can also achieve the most satisfactory results in the following cases:
In women who have thinning in certain areas of the head, especially in the forehead and temple, or hair loss on the crown due to aging or genetic factors.
For burns and injuries on the scalp
In people with good scalp flexibility and a high density of follicles suitable for transplantation, despite the advanced stage of hair loss
In people who work according to a tight schedule and athletes who have to start training again as soon as possible
In young people with limited hair loss who prefer short hair
Thinning of facial hair such as beard, mustache or eyebrows.
Is hair transplant a permanent solution?
One of the biggest question marks in the mind of the patient is whether hair transplantation can provide a permanent solution to hair loss.
The short answer is that the transplanted hair will be permanent. The area where hair follicles are harvested is called the donor area. This area is also known as the "reliable donor area".
The donor area is usually the area that covers the back of the head and ears. The hair in the donor area is not affected by the action of the DHT hormone, which causes patterned hair loss. The hair follicles in the reliable donor area are very strong and healthy.
In general, the hair in the donor area is genetically programmed to resist hair loss. You can see that someone who starts balding at a young age still has hair at the donor site even after he is 70 years old.
The hair follicles used in hair transplantation are extracted from the reliable area and keep the same genetic codes and characteristics as those in the donor area. So as long as the hair in the donor area continues to grow, the transplanted hair will also continue to grow.
Sometimes hair loss can also affect your donor region. In such cases, the hair in the back of the head will also shed. However, when the underlying problem is resolved, the hair grows back.
After the hair transplant, if your hair starts to grow longer, you can wash, cut, comb or dye your hair as this hair will grow stronger and keep growing.
However, some people experience temporary hair loss about 2 to 4 weeks after the transplant. This is an expected and natural process. Do not worry; just look at the pattern. This loss is a response of the body to the trauma during surgery. Almost all of these losses are temporary. After this initial shedding, your permanent hair grows back and the process follows a normal course.
The durability of your hair depends on several factors. For permanent success, you should pay attention to the following.
- Avoid illegally operating hair centers. Find an expert clinic with a skilled doctor.
- People without a predictable pattern of hair loss should postpone getting a hair transplant.
- You should follow your doctor's advice and regularly take the medicines your doctor has prescribed (if applicable) after the procedure.
- No body part other than the back of the head should be used as a donor region (such as chest hair, etc.)
Who is a good candidate for hair transplant?
Hair transplantation can achieve better results in suitable candidates. Some people may not be suitable for a hair transplant, so procedures in such cases will prove unsuccessful, or more precisely, they will not give satisfactory results.
If an unsuitable candidate insists on hair transplantation, the doctors should explain to them that they should lower their expectations, knowing that they have an equal share of responsibility for any failures.
However, we should note here that no matter how much they are on it, in principle we do not perform hair transplants on ineligible candidates.
If you are not a good candidate and still insist on hair transplantation, and if a clinic or hospital motivated solely by financial gain agrees to perform the surgery, the results may make you wish you had that surgery again. never had. This can result in further deterioration of your appearance.
A good candidate must meet the following criteria:
1. The hair loss must be stage 2 or above based on the Norwood-Hamilton scale.
2. The severe period of hair loss must be completed or near completion despite all conservation efforts (even if it varies from person to person, the best time for a hair transplant is after the age of 30, as it becomes easier to predict future hair loss ) after that age)
3. The donor area must provide enough healthy grafts to cover the recipient areas. A higher density of hair in the donor area means denser hair in the recipient areas.
In extreme cases such as severe hair loss due to trauma, injury, burns or surgical procedures, people can get a hair transplant without considering the above criteria.
Candidates who meet these criteria are generally considered good candidates. Your doctor should explain whether you successfully meet these criteria after examining your hair.
Hair transplants achieve better results in certain people who meet the following criteria:
Hair colour
In people with matching hair color and scalp, the results of hair transplantation are generally better. A greater contrast between the color of your hair and your scalp increases the chance of an unnatural appearance.
Of course, the contrast between the color of your hair and your scalp is not the only determinant of the success of the surgery.
For example, in people with blond hair and light-colored scalps, hair loss is not visible until significant hair loss has occurred, while the combination of dark hair color and light skin tone makes the balding feeling much stronger due to the color contrast.
Hair type
If your hair is wavy or curly, it covers more space and conceals balding areas more efficiently.
Afro-textured hair, for example, often appears to have more density.
This type of hair evolved due to an adaptive need in early humans to protect the scalp from the extreme sun exposure in hot climates.
Thickness of hair strands
One of the main factors that determine the appearance of hair loss is the thickness of hair strands. It also plays a key role in the success of the results.
In people with thick hair, the same number of grafts can usually give satisfactory results compared to people with thin strands of hair. Because thick hair absorbs the light reflected from the scalp better, making the balding areas less visible.
In people with thin strands of hair, the "balding" becomes more apparent even when they have the same amount of hair, because the light reflected from the scalp can reach your eyes more easily.
Scalp Flexibility
In general, good scalp flexibility allows for easier hair transplantation, increasing the success rate of the restoration.
In addition, those who exercise regularly, maintain ideal weight, have less stress and adopt healthy eating habits generally have better immune systems, which shortens their recovery time and lowers their risk of infection.
How much does a hair transplant cost?
The most important factor in determining the cost of a hair transplant is the number of grafts to be transplanted. As you can imagine, the cost of a 1,500-transplant procedure will be less than 3,000-transplants.
In addition, a larger head size requires more grafts to cover the balding area. More graft means more effort, more time and more resources, increasing costs.
Another factor in pricing is the method used in hair transplantation. The cost of the surgery varies depending on whether FUE, FUT, or robotic surgery (ARTAS) is chosen. While the cost of ARTAS is the highest, the cost of FUE and FUT is around comparable numbers.
The final cost can only be determined after the extent of your hair loss has been examined by our doctors.
You can get detailed information about prices by filling out the form on this link or contacting us by phone.
What's more important? Number of grafts or number of hairs?
The anatomy of the hair follicles on the scalp is quite different from that of other parts of the body.
In the other parts of the body, a follicle produces one strand of hair at a time, while the follicles on the scalp can contain 1 to 4 strands of hair, which is called a follicular unit. During the hair transplant procedure, the doctor transplants these units to the recipient area.
The term graft used in hair transplant refers to the follicular unit. If the doctor implants single strands of hair instead of a follicular unit, the transplant will result in failure.
It is generally believed that a follicular unit contains two strands of hair, so if you receive 1,500 grafts in your recipient area, that means approximately 3,000 strands of hair have been implanted.
This technical information can be misused by some individuals to mislead patients in pricing. A common example of this is that they list the number of hair strands rather than the number of grafts used.
They say, "We transplanted 3000 hairs" when in fact they only transplant 1500 grafts.
Hair Transplant Cost in Turkey Compared to Other Countries
The cost of hair transplantation in Turkey seems to be lower than the cost in Europe and America. This should not mean that hair transplants are of lower quality in our country, because several factors play a role in this price difference.
With its well-trained and qualified workforce, the latest technology and strict adherence to sterilization standards, the Turkish hair transplant industry provides top quality service to foreigners every year.
According to recent statistics, Turkey is the hair transplant capital of the world, with tourists from different countries flocking to the country to get the best treatment.
Why do hair transplant costs vary so much?
The cost of hair transplant procedures often varies in the market due to the unlicensed centers operating illegally as these places usually do not employ a doctor.
In these illegal places, the responsible persons may pose as "hair transplant specialist", but there is no category as "hair transplant specialist" under medical specialties.
A dermatologist or plastic surgery specialist should lead the team to perform hair transplants and no transplant procedure should be performed unless a doctor is in the room.
According to the relevant legislation, hair transplants can only be performed by accredited centers with outpatient or hospital status that follow current surgical sterilization guidelines.
If the surgery is performed in a place with no outpatient or hospital status, it means the procedure is illegal.
In addition, the hair transplant is sometimes performed in accredited hospitals or outpatient clinics, but the team performing the procedure must not have a doctor.
Clinics operating illegally do not follow surgical sterilization guidelines, which will allow them to offer lower prices as their operating costs will be much lower.
Important note
Lower prices don't always mean you're getting a low-quality hair transplant.
While a clinic with an inexperienced team or poor technical skills may charge higher prices, a trusted clinic may quote a relatively lower price.
What is the best age to have a hair transplant?
Technically, there is no age limit for hair transplantation.
For example, for a child who suffers significant hair loss from an accident or injury, hair transplantation may be a medical requirement, so even a child can have a hair transplant if the parent has permission.
An aesthetic problem not directly related to health, such as male pattern hair loss, also known as androgenic alopecia, may require a different approach. The minimum age limit for aesthetic procedures is 18, but we consider this age too early for a get a hair transplant.
Hair transplantation has to involve a lot of organization. The first phase of the organization is thinking ahead. The first question to be asked before designing a hair transplant procedure should be: "Is the patient's hair loss a continuous process?"
We also need to determine the pattern and rate of hair loss to evaluate treatment options. Let's explain this using several scenarios.
The patient is 40 years old. Hair loss started in the patient's early twenties and reached stage 4 following a progressive course, but it slowed down significantly over the last five years. In this case, we conclude that the rate of hair loss has now stabilized (hair loss continues throughout life).
We consider this group of patients as the most suitable candidates for hair transplantation. If their donor site provides a sufficient number of grafts, one successful hair transplant will achieve the desired results without the need for another surgery for the rest of their lives. Even if the hair loss continues, the degree of thinning will be limited to acceptable levels.
The patient is 25 years old. Hair loss started three years ago and progressed quickly to reach stage 3. We really have a hard time convincing such patients that it is still too early for a hair transplant.
Since the hair loss is likely to continue, we ethically advise against any surgery at this stage. We tell the patient to wait until the rate of hair loss has stabilized. We advise the patient to number of medical treatments to stabilize or delay hair loss until they reach 30.
This scenario usually ends in two ways: the person follows our advice and chooses to wait 5-6 years to get a hair transplant until his balding pattern starts or insists on getting a hair transplant, despite knowing that his hair loss will continue even after the transplant.
If they find it difficult to cope with the frustration of hair loss and haste in hair transplantation, we explain to the patient that only one operation cannot solve the problem, because there will most likely be future hair loss, and then the operation on such a way to plan. that we can use the hair at the donor site wisely for a second or third transplant in the future.
The patient is 55 years old. Hair loss started when he was 35, and the balding sensation had long started and reached stage 4.
However, the hair at the donor site (the back of the head) has lost its density and quality over the years.
In such cases, any surgery requires a carefully designed plan, as the available grafts allow only one hair transplant procedure.
The number of grafts to be taken from the back of the head should be kept to a minimum to avoid noticeable bald spots.
Therefore, we explain to the patient that it would not be possible to restore the entire hairline in the most ideal way, so that the patient can set realistic expectations.
The bottom line is that you note these key points about the ideal age for hair transplantation:
Hair transplantation is generally not recommended for people under the age of 30.
Hair transplantation is not recommended if you are still losing hair.
If you have had a hair transplant at a young age before your balding pattern has stabilized, any future balding hair can create islands of hair bald spots that look unnatural. It means you need corrective procedures with new charges.
How many grafts do I need for an ideal hair transplant?
Above all, the pattern of hair loss must be determined prior to a hair transplant procedure.
If hair loss is in its early stages or if the person still has severe hair loss, additional corrective surgery may be needed in the future, which means additional costs for the patient.
If the patient insists on hair transplantation at this stage, the results will be unsatisfactory, because the hair loss will continue in different parts of the head.
Therefore, if the hair loss has not stabilized, the patient should avoid hair transplantation for some time and the clinic should warn the patient of additional future costs in the event of a corrective procedure.
The important points about the ideal number of grafts:
- To a To achieve a natural appearance, the graft transplanted per cm2 should not fall below a certain number.
20 to 30 grafts per cm2 are ideal for optimal efficiency. The ideal number also depends on the following factors:
• Your expectations regarding the density of your hair
• Desired appearance of the hair
• Efficiency of your donor site
Given these factors, a middle ground must be struck between the possibilities and expectations, and the number of grafts decided accordingly.
1. The donor area should be used wisely for any future opportunities, as extracting too many grafts from this area will cause severe thinning here and it cannot be restored to its original condition.
2. If the patient prefers a closer appearance and if the donor site is suitable, the number of grafts can be increased to achieve the desired results.
3. If the hair loss is graded to stage 6 or 7 based on the Norwood Hamilton scale and the donor site yields low density grafts, the results are far from ideal.
Therefore, such people should be well informed by the doctor so that they should not expect miracles.
4. As a DK Klinik hair transplant unit, we avoid transplanting more than 2500-3000 grafts in one session.
We have the technical capacity to do more, but if we need to transplant more grafts, we discuss in detail the disadvantages and advantages of such a course with the patient.
5. The patient's budget is also an important factor in determining the number of grafts. If you need 2500 grafts to get a good result, but your budget only allows 1000 grafts, then you will not be satisfied with the result.
In such cases, we recommend that you save a little longer until you can afford a sufficient number of grafts so that we can promise good results.
For us, hair transplantation is about making smart use of the donor site, planning ahead for the future and achieving maximum profit with the available material.
The real art is achieving optimal profit with little material.
Important facts
According to the 50% rule generally accepted in the hair transplant literature, you have already lost 50% of your hair density by the time you notice signs of balding under the light.
In other words, most people don't notice hair loss until they lose 50 percent of their hair. This means that while in the past you had 60 hair strands per cm2, this has been reduced to 30 hair strands per cm2, making your hair loss visible.
Another factor that determines the number of grafts is the characteristic features of your hair.
If you have thick hair or curly hair, fewer grafts can give a better look. But if your hair strands are weak and thin, you will need a larger number of grafts for better results.
On average, the donor site yields approximately 6,000 grafts suitable for transplantation.
According to the Norwood-Hamilton scale, if the hair loss is in stage 5, the affected area should be about 200 cm2.
In that case, 6000 grafts are harvested and transplanted to the recipient areas by applying 30 grafts per cm 2 to obtain the best results. Patient preferences and expectations play a key role here, so the following questions are asked.
Should we use all grafts in the same way by transferring 30 grafts per cm2 to all areas of hair loss or should we use more grafts (eg 40 grafts per cm2) in the frontal areas of the head and less on the top of the head?
At this point, the doctor should note your expectations and schedule a hair transplant in accordance with your requirements.
From our own experience with hundreds of patients, we can say that transplanting a larger number of grafts to the frontal areas of the head produces the most natural-looking appearance.
What are the possible risks and side effects with a hair transplant?
Hair transplantation is a very safe procedure as long as it is performed under the supervision of a doctor in reliable centers, with the support of a specialized team. In addition, there are certain rules that must be followed to ensure the complete safety of hair transplant procedures:
1. The Ministry of Health allows hair transplant procedures to be performed only in licensed hospitals and outpatient clinics (outpatient clinics).
The hospitals and outpatient clinics that perform such procedures must follow the rules of surgical sterilization as they are regularly inspected by the relevant government agencies.
Therefore, if you choose to receive hair transplantation in an unapproved center that operating illegally for any other reason, you inevitably run certain risks to your health, budget and efficiency of the procedure.
The team performing the hair transplant should be led by a dermatologist or plastic surgery specialist, with each session attended by a doctor.
2. Hair transplants should not be done on patients without a clearly visible pattern of hair loss. Especially in people under the age of 30, we can't be sure how much hair loss will occur and what kind of pattern it will follow in the future, so they may need to have another hair transplant.
In addition, such individuals may experience negative aesthetic consequences, as they are very likely to continue to lose hair in other areas of the head after the transplant.
3. If areas other than the back of the head are used as a donor site for the hair transplant, the transplanted hairs are more likely to be lost. For that reason, hair transplants should be done by using the hair follicles from the back of the head.
4. If you are planning to buy a hair transplantation through the FUT technique, although it is less common, you should know that it leaves scars because of the incision field in your scalp.
Even if the FUE technique leaves some scars, it is difficult to notice such scars because it consists of hundreds of tiny scars. They can only be noticed on closer examination by pulling the hair apart.
5. If the hair follicles are harvested from another part of the head instead of the neck, which is genetically programmed to resist hair loss, the transplant may fail and you may lose all of the transplanted hair.
This occurs when genetically sensitive hair follicles are collected from the areas involved in the hair loss, which occurs at the hands of inexperienced doctors and teams.
When the hair transplant is performed in a reliable center, it does not cause serious side effects, as it is an aesthetic procedure performed under local anaesthesia.
The temporary side effects may include bruising, tenderness, redness, inflammation, small scabs, and numbness or lack of sensation on the areas of the scalp where the hair is removed or implanted.
What should I know before undergoing a hair transplant?
The things you should or should not do before hair transplant are listed mentioned below. It is very important that you follow these rules so that you can ensure healthy hair growth and rapid recovery of the donor site.
Stop smoking 2 days before the procedure. Smoking negatively affects blood circulation and slows down wound healing.
Stop drinking alcohol 3 days before the procedure.
Stop taking aspirin and other blood thinners 5 days before the procedure.
Stop taking anti-inflammatory drugs (such as ibuprofen) categorized as strong pain relievers (you can consult us for a drug list) 3 days before the procedure. You can use painkillers that contain paracetamol.
Stop using minoxidil-containing solutions to prevent hair loss 3 days prior to the procedure.
Vitamins B and E should be discontinued a week in advance because of their potential to increase bleeding.
If your multivitamin supplements contain these vitamins, stop taking them. Stop taking supplements containing ginseng, ginkgo biloba, and garlic extracts 1 week before the procedure.
Stop eating spicy foods 2 days before the procedure.
Do not consume too much tea, coffee or cola on the day of your surgery.
Do not consume herbal teas that you are unsure of their ingredients for at least one week before the procedure. Some herbs have a blood thinning effect.
Do not expose your head to too much sunlight, especially in the summer for about 2 weeks in advance. It is very important that your scalp is not brown or burnt.
Your hair will be trimmed in our clinic before surgery.
You must wash your hair in the morning before coming to our clinic.
Before surgery, we will take pictures of your hair from different angles in our clinic.
We will perform a blood test to assess the risk of complications. Your blood will be drawn in our clinic and sent to the laboratory.
The tests include complete blood counts, bleeding and clotting tests, routine biochemical tests, hepatitis and HIV tests.
They provide information about conditions that may affect the success of the operation.
If you regularly take medicines for a medical condition (such as hypertension, thyroid, cholesterol, diabetes), you can continue to take them. However, you should tell your doctor about all medications you are taking.
There are no products that you need to use for the procedure.
You can have breakfast before the procedure; you do not need to have an empty stomach prior to surgery. We will also have a break so you can eat lunch.
As it is a long procedure, you are advised to wear loose, comfortable clothes and shoes. It is important to wear button-up clothes as they are easier to take off after the procedure. It is also wise to bring extra clothing.
We do not recommend to drive after surgery because of the anesthesia and prolonged inactivity during the procedure. You must arrange the transport accordingly.
No bed rest is required after hair transplantation. You should not organize activities immediately after the procedure, because you should rest well during the day and night. You will not feel any discomfort after the transplant.
Even if you don't go back to work in about a week, you may feel more comfortable, saving you from prying questions from your colleagues.
Can hair transplant bring back my original appearance?
For us, a successful aesthetic intervention means "a near-perfect improvement in appearance". In FUE hair transplants, grafts are harvested from the donor site and transplanted to the thinning or balding areas on your scalp. Unfortunately, the donor site on our head does not provide an unlimited number of grafts.
In people whose donor site yields enough grafts suitable for transplantation, a hair transplant can restore your hairline to a level fairly close to its previous state.
However, if your donor site yields a low number of good quality grafts, the procedure may provide an improved appearance to your hair, but it will not be the same as its original condition.
In patients with low-density donor sites, the most important thing doctors should pay attention to is to plan ahead for the future. If they harvest a large number of grafts from the donor site with low hair density, the patient will not have enough hair coverage to hide the donor site.
This could also make a possible future surgery impossible, as there will not be enough grafts to transplant.
What is the success rate of a hair transplant?
Since 2009, the success rate of hair transplants has increased with the spread of the FUE technique. This is because the FUE is a lot easier to perform than the FUT and offers a higher chance of success.
We can say that the risk of failure is quite low in a hair transplant performed under the supervision of a specialist. At a recognized hair transplant center, the success rate of the transplanted grafts varies from 85% to 95%.
The chances of success are greatly increased by several factors, including strict adherence to sterilization rules, use of graft nourishing solutions such as HypoThermosol, designation of a good front hairline, application by a well-trained team with expertise in hair transplantation and following the patient's medical advice correctly.
However, about 10% of the transplanted hair remains throughout your life. This is an expected and natural process.
According to many doctors, the loss of more than 15% of the transplanted hair over a lifetime shows that the procedure is ineffective.
The answers to the following three questions will determine the success rate:
Are there clearly visible scars in the scalp? (In the FUE procedure, the scars are miniscule and may be barely visible to the eye)
Were there any serious health problems such as infections after the procedure?
If the answers to all these questions are "no", then we can say that the transplant is successful.